Sunday, 1 January 2017

How to set New Year intentions 2017

Last night, New Year's Eve, I sat with my little dog, wondering about the intentions I would set for the New Year.

I was thinking how life is like a garden and we sometimes need to prune back the things not needed, the distractions, to enable new growth, which for me is stepping into a new kind of songwriting, incorporating new lessons that I have gained about sound and mantra, as well as the incredible power of mindfulness through meditation.

And it dawned on me at 11.30pm that the best place for me to show the Universe my intentions for the New Year was not sat on the sofa! So, I wrapped up warm and headed out in the darkness into the wooded lanes.

As I entered the Ashram, a peace fell over me, I am home, I whispered, and my eyes filled with tears.

I sat with 300 strangers, and yet knew them all. I chanted with 300 souls that had travelled from the same light as me.

It was nothing short of a magical.

I was shown something very important while I was there, but that is mine, and I choose not to share it. Needless to say, it has lifted my soul.

And when I got home, in the wee hours of the morning, I wrote a new song. And when I awoke, I wrote another one.

I am not sure where these songs come from. Since setting the intention to shift the central focus of my life to composing healing music and song, it is as if a tap has been turned on within me.

It is with deepest gratitude that I walk into the temple today to bask in the memory of last night, and pick up scattered petals from the floor.

And so, friends, whatever your intentions are for 2017, the learning that I share with you is simply this, Be the change. For as soon as you are 'being' the change, you have made the change that you intend.