I am set to start quite likely one of the most exciting adventures ever; one that I could not have dreamt would even be possible. The immensely popular Internet TV Station, Showboat TV, have offered me a 6 part pilot TV series, with my own Storytelling Show! I am going to be on the telly box for the run up to Christmas, the last story being aired on Christmas Eve!
My show is called 'The Sleeping Storyteller' and I will be telling the stories that I write in my sleep. Yep, that's right, in my sleep!
As some of you will have read already, since becoming hearing impaired, my tinnitus keeps me awake all night. I do not go into deep sleep for a very long time. In this twilight zone, I have been writing stories, poems and songs by recording them onto the voice recorder of my mobile phone IN MY SLEEP!!! Yep, I know, it's out there, even for me, which is why I haven't really stepped into it, until now. I didn't even know I was doing it, until I happened to look on my mobile phone and found literally 100's of recordings.
My first book, Soul Ink for the Morning, contains 100 little poems from my voice recorder and has been received very well throughout the Summer at the Book Fairs, so I decided to start typing up the stories that I have also spoken into my phone whilst sleeping, too. It is these that will form my new pilot, The Sleeping Storyteller TV Show.
It's absolutely unbelievable, isn't it? But it has just sort of happened and so I am embracing it. I am going to be a television presenter! Oh my days! I am smiling from ear to ear, just typing it.
Fate had a BIG hand in it and as you come with me on this adventure, you'll find out why I believe it is all meant to be. Be sure to FOLLOW my blog by adding your email address in the box provided, top right of the page, that says 'Follow by Email', that way you won't miss out on the fun.
Right now, there are all sorts of exciting things happening behind the scenes, like designing a new website and making the characters into toys, as I prepare for filming at the end of this month!!!!!!!! GADZUKES!
MAHOOSIVE thanks to the very lovely John & Maxine Rolls at Showboat TV for opening this incredible opportunity for me to share my stories in a deaf friendly environment. I can't begin to tell you how much it means to me. Thank you for your faith in me and for believing in me. I'm going to stop now, or else I will have to go and get the tissues. All love to you, dear ones.