Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Woman Needs a Temple

I am so excited to be spending time in my recording studio next week reflecting and focusing on my new collection of guitar based songs ... 'Woman Needs A Temple'

All the songs were written during or after my meditations at Ashrams and Temples, so they feel very much as if they were channelled through me.

They are sacred songs. I will take my time with them, nurture them, love them.

I have been preparing my recording space as if it were my temple, using beautiful crystals, that I was lucky to have from my dear friend, Debbie Lawrence, who is a Crystal Healer.

I have placed the crystals around my recording chair, lit candles and given myself permission to record what ever comes, warts and all. 

The circle of crystals transforms my chair into a Sacred Woman Temple, a Shakti Temple where I, as a woman, can step into my power. 

'Woman Needs a Temple' is not about perfection, it is about truth and recognition. A return to self but with the blessings of all the lessons I have been given along this journey.

Wherever you are, take time to create your temple, we deserve sacred space within which to 'be'.

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