Wednesday, 20 July 2016

LOVING CIRCLES: A Sound Pilgrimage of Sacred Stones

As part of my vigil for Sacred Activism, it came to me in mediation that to truly honour the love of today and manifest Universal love for tomorrow, we must also honour the ancestors of our yesterdays. Those that lain a trail for us, who farmed our land, who chanted to our trees, who made offerings to the gods and understood the holistic nature of our Mother Earth: The Ancient Celtics.

This Weekend, I am embarking on a personal Pilgrimage of Sacred Stones right here on our doorstep, in West Wales, to play Music & Chant Ancient Mantra.

During my Sacred Activism, I have collected shells from the beaches and I will leave one in each of the stone circles, bringing the sea to the land in gratitude and loving thanks.

I have been a performer all my life. Not because I necessarily wanted to be, but because it seems that if you are passionate and make a life from music, our culture structures the way we do this through performance. But what is 'performance' and where is the authentic self within it? That's a rhetorical question that I have spent much time journeying with.

My sacred pilgrimage to Stone Circles to chant & play is an acknowledgement to self of the child that sang because it made her feel alive, the teenager that wrote songs as a catharsis, the human that longs to 'be' the mantra without constraint.

Therefore, rather than inviting folk to join me on this very personal journey, instead I am re-opening an ancient trail, so that you, yourself, might in your own time, chant love to sacred stones and leave offerings to those that came before us. In short, that you construct your own Sacred Activism.

I am Archiving my Pilgrimage as Jeff Beer has very kindly agreed to come with me to help on my quest.

Namaste, dear ones

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