Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Mantra Voice

How beautiful to literally see the colour, texture and vibration of my Mantra Voice.

This collection of graphs were recorded for me by Ian Mc Avoy, who was the wonderful and very kind Sound Engineer whilst I was performing Ceremonial Mantra to open the Sunday Festival at Wyrd & Wonderful Festival earlier this year.

It is particularly poignant for me to witness my voice in this way given the healing process I have been through to bring me to this point.

These beautiful graphs are an affirmation of the loving vibration that I can still bring to the world through my voice and I will treasure them dearly.

And so I have decided to use them as the design artwork for my new CD The Mantra Experiments.

Yes, that's right folks!! All the recording and mixing is complete and as I type this, kind friends are working on our design brief to bring a dementia friendly meditation CD into fruition.

All funds raised from the CD will be donated to Sound Memories Radio for the continuation of my work in developing a hands on, dementia friendly online sound resource with older people. Full details are here:

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